Tiny, Mighty Mosses

Ever taken a closer look at the blankets of green that cover logs, rocks, trunks, and the forest floor? Join us and bryologist Connor Wardrop to uncover the world of mosses and their friends, of which there are over 900 species in BC!

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The Wetlands Awaken

We’re here to welcome the spring season with a bright stroll around the habitats of Beaver Lake, as the wetlands awaken and begin to turn green again! Come along and try to catch a glimpse of a beaver performing its spring duties!

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Stewardship Series: Seeds & Stewardship

As part of the Stewardship Series for 2024, Kristen Miskelly, co-owner of Satinflower Nurseries will be leading this online talk on native seed production and the use of seeds in restoration. This talk will…

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