Our Adoption Programs
Contribute to wildlife monitoring, environmental education, stewardship and long-term protection of the biodiversity of Stanley Park through our adoption program. Individuals, companies and organizations have an opportunity to connect people to nature and safeguard the ecological integrity of Stanley Park with their choice of adoption below.
Adopters join over three decades of support for collaborative research, education, innovation and ecological advice.
Adopt a Heron Nest
(suits individuals)

Nest adopters receive
- A Certificate of Adoption
- Printed information about Stanley Park’s great blue herons
- Periodic updates on the status of the heron colony throughout the season
- An annual heronry report
- An “I Adopted A Nest” button
- A tax receipt
Adopt a Class
Help connect kids to nature by subsidizing a field trip to Stanley Park for a K-7 class. Led by experienced SPES outdoor educators, up to 30 students in a class will explore Stanley Park’s forests, wetlands or beaches through hands-on, curriculum-based experiences.

Class adopters receive
- A Certificate of Adoption
- An annual school programs report
- A photo of your adopted class on their fieldtrip in Stanley Park
- Individuals recognized as a “Sustainer” on SPES website
- Logo placement (for corporate donors giving $1000 or more) on the SPES website and in our annual report
- A tax receipt
Adopt a Project
Support the health of Stanley Park’s ecosystems through our Adopt a Project program which focuses on wildlife and habitat surveys. SPES technicians collect data on Bald Eagles, beavers, breeding birds, bats, Great Blue Herons, amphibians, water quality, pollinators and more! This year-to-year monitoring enables us to assess the health of a variety of Park ecosystems to inform management practices.

Project adopters receive
- A Certificate of Adoption
- An annual wildlife monitoring report
- Subscription to monthly news bulletin “Field Notes”
- A private “adopters only” presentation and Q&A with SPES Conservation Technician
- A SPES membership for a Family (2 adults + 4 children)
- An “I Love Stanley Park” pin
- Individuals recognized as “Champion” supporter on SPES website
- Companies recognized as “Friends” supporter on SPES website with logo
- A tax receipt
Adopt an Acre
(suits corporations and business organizations)

Acre adopters receive
- A framed certificate for your office to recognize your support of habitat restoration in Stanley Park
- A year-end update of habitat restoration progress in Stanley Park and a tour of selected restoration sites
- Logo placement on the SPES website in the Sponsors section
- Logo placement in our annual report as a significant SPES supporter
- A tax receipt