SPES is excited to announce that we will be teaming up with the Entomological Society of British Columbia and the Biological Survey of Canada to conduct a BioBlitz on Saturday,...
SPES is excited to announce that we will be teaming up with the Entomological Society of British Columbia and the Biological Survey of Canada to conduct a BioBlitz on Saturday,...
Join SPES Educators in a crafty afternoon for kids.
Learn how to identify colder season berries.
Learn how approaches to climate issues can look differently across socio-political landscapes, different ecosystems, and on individual bases.
Join crow lover and photographer June Hunter to discover the art of crow watching.
Learn how to create a beautiful eco-wreath to brighten up your winter.
Drop by the Nature House to write a note to nature, join a walk, or view our displays.
Join us for our monthly bird watching program!
Learn about the amazing skills and lives of bald eagles.
Join us in Stanley Park alongside other families and experts for Birds Canada’s popular annual winter bird survey event.
Wander and learn about berries that brave the winter!
Join us for our monthly birding program!
Get your steps in with the first program of 2023.
Come explore the joys of trails across Stanley Park.
Learn beginner embroidery with artist Jill Taylor.
Learn about colonial logging history in Stanley Park.
Learn to make healing salves with local plants and beeswax.
Learn about colonial logging history in Stanley Park.
Learn about behavioural and physiological adaptations of animals in winter.
This month, we are joined by birder Liron Gertsman for our monthly birding program!
Learn about the hidden winter world of bees.
Learn about the physiological and behavioral adaptations of wildlife in Stanley Park.
Enjoy trees, quietness and nature on Cathedral Trail.
Celebrate Family Day in nature!
Learn how to record and identify animal and plant sightings with your phone.
Learn introductory identification features of trees.
Learn introductory identification features of trees.
Look to the skies and witness eagle pairs in action.
Join us for our monthly birding program!
Join this easy-going and fun felting workshop.