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Guided Therapeutic Nature Walk (In-person)

Stanley Park Pavilion 610 Pipeline Road, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Learn about the practice of Horticultural Therapy on a guided hike with Cliff Thorbes.

Stewardship Series

Community Science for Biomonitoring: iNaturalist

Goose Body Language (In-person)

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Come learn about the physical and vocal communication of the Canada Goose.

Earth Day Ecostewards

On Saturday April 23rd, Stanley Park Ecology Society is celebrating Earth Day! Come volunteer to help the Stanley Park ecosystem by managing and removing invasive plant species. You will learn about local ecology and conservation issues, take part in hands-on invasive species removal, and make an important contribution to habitat conservation and restoration in Stanley...

Bat Watch! (In-person)

Stanley Park Pavilion 610 Pipeline Road, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Join bat researcher Danielle Dagenais for an informative night of bat education.

The Story of Birds with Talaysay Tours (In-person)

Stanley Park #19 Bus Loop Stanley Park Loop, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join a Talaysay Tours Cultural Ambassador to learn to identify local birds and to gain insight into their stories and significance.

Bird Watch and Tell (Online)

Join us for a story panel presentation with new birders, experienced birders and the in-betweens! 5 minute stories for life long adventures.

The Big Sit (In-person)

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join an all day stationary bird watch with the Stanley Park Ecology Society and valued community birders.

Cat Owner Meet-up (In-person)

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Meet other local cat owners, tips and tricks for keeping your cat and birds safe outside, and register for a chance to win cool prizes for your cat!

Botanical Outing in Brockton Point (In-person)

Stanley Park Information Booth 715 Stanley Park Dr, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Join Nina Shoroplova on a walk to explore some of the planted trees and shrubs of Brockton Point in Stanley Park.

Birding with the Queer Community (In-person)

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

In celebration of Pride Month, we are excited to be offering this free birding program for members of the queer community!