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Owl Prowl [FULL]

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Come along to learn about the owl breeding season and listen for sounds of Stanley Park’s owls on this popular nighttime walk.

All About Coyotes

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us for a nature walk through the forest to get to know coyotes, focusing on topics such as their behavior, ecology, and how we can coexist with these fascinating and curious creatures.

Eyes on Eagles: Nest Spotting

Stanley Park #19 Bus Loop Stanley Park Loop, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us for a look at two of the eagle nests found in the Park, discover how bald eagles are preparing for raising eaglets this summer, and learn how Stanley Park Ecology monitors nest success!

Owl Prowl [FULL]

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Come along to learn about the owl breeding season and listen for sounds of Stanley Park’s owls on this popular nighttime walk.

Birds of a Feather: February Flights

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us for our monthly birding program - no experience necessary! Spend a late winter morning surrounded by birds, nature, and community.

Eyes on Eagles: Nest Spotting

Stanley Park #19 Bus Loop Stanley Park Loop, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us for a look at two of the eagle nests found in the Park, discover how bald eagles are preparing for raising eaglets this summer, and learn how Stanley Park Ecology monitors nest success!

Beaver Tails and Otter Trails

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us to learn about the homes and lives of these furry, semi-aquatic creatures in Lost Lagoon, and maybe even catch a glimpse of one!

Cedar Weaving Workshop with Red Cedar Woman Studio

SPES Office 610 Pipeline Rd, Vancouver, Canada

Feel the fibrous bark, smell the fresh, forest-y aroma, and come join Ali and Bella Casey from Red Cedar Woman Studio for an afternoon of sharing and cedar weaving!

Prehistoric Plants Among Us

Stanley Park #19 Bus Loop Stanley Park Loop, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us on a light-hearted travel through time along the evolutionary track of plants and “living fossils” such as the dawn redwood, horsetails, and gingko trees!

Spring EcoCamps: Bugs and Blossoms

Stanley Park Pavilion 610 Pipeline Road, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Celebrate the magic of spring by exploring the tiny creatures and vibrant flowers that bring Stanley Park to life! Campers will go on bug safaris, discover how pollinators like bees...

The Wetlands Awaken

Stanley Park #19 Bus Loop Stanley Park Loop, Vancouver, BC, Canada

We're here to welcome the spring season with a bright stroll around the habitats of Beaver Lake, as the wetlands awaken and begin to turn green again! Come along and try to catch a glimpse of a beaver performing its spring duties!

The Herons are Here: Colony Tour

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us for a special site visit to the Stanley Park heron rookery and learn all about how these beautiful and large birds navigate the canopy, build their nests, and raise their fledglings!

Spring EcoCamps: Herons and Habitats

Stanley Park Pavilion 610 Pipeline Road, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Explore the world of herons and their wetland habitats through hands-on activities and nature walks. Campers will learn about herons' unique adaptations and the importance of wetlands in supporting wildlife....

Birds of a Feather: Spring Arrivals

Nature House 712 Lost Lagoon Path, Vancouver, BC, Canada

Join us to welcome the migratory birds arriving this spring, such as hummingbirds, warblers, and swallows! No birding experience necessary!