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Crow Watching (Online)

Online Vancouver

Join crow lover and photographer June Hunter to discover the art of crow watching.

The Nature of Fungi

Take part in some mushroom musings with Dr. Kent Brothers.

Spectacle of Sea Ducks

Online Vancouver

ONLINE PROGRAM Through the winter season, tens of thousands of waterfowl spend their time on the shores of Vancouver, in what has been designated the English Bay, Burrard Inlet & Howe Sound Important Bird & Biodiversity Area (IBA). Two of the most common are the Surf Scoter and Barrow’s Goldeneye. Through photographs and illustrations, join...

Heron Watch

Learn all about the colony of great blue herons in Stanley Park!

Glorious Gulls

Learn why there's no such thing as a "seagull" and more facts from the water!

Stewardship Series: Food Forests

As part of the 2024 Stewardship Series, organized in partnership with the Invasive Species Council of Metro Vancouver (ISCMV) & Stanley Park Ecology Society (SPES). Food Forests on April 23, 2024 - 6:30 - 8 pm Join us online as we welcome a panel of experts to discuss local food forest initiatives! A food forest or forest garden is...

Heron Highlights

Learn about this unique urban colony and the 2024 nesting season’s highlights with Urban Wildlife Programs Coordinator Rose Wilkin.

Splashing Sea Ducks

Learn about two of our common and beautiful winter residents of the water: the Surf Scoter and Barrow's Goldeneye!

Stewardship Series: Seeds & Stewardship

As part of the Stewardship Series for 2024, Kristen Miskelly, co-owner of Satinflower Nurseries will be leading this online talk on native seed production and the use of seeds in restoration. This talk will be held over Zoom, event is full - registration closed. Native seed production and community outreach to encourage seed-based restoration on southern Vancouver Island  This...

Hoo’s that Owl?

Silently fly into this online owl program and immerse yourself in the sneaky world of these nocturnal hunters!