Bring SPES to you!
Photo: Brian Grover

Discover Stanley Park’s wild side as your students roll up their sleeves and connect with nature in hands-on and interactive programs exploring forest, beach and wetland ecology. We offer a diversity of curriculum-based school field trips for Pre – K to High School students.

Subscribe to SPES’s teacher newsletter to stay up to date with our latest programs and any special offering.

Need help navigating our booking system? Click here for our booking guide.

Find our program offerings below!

Pre K to Grade 3 Field Trips

Grade 4-7 Field Trips

High School Field Trips

Self Guided

For Online Program information, click here.

Program Fees

For the 2024-2025 school year, the fees are as follows:

  • Pre K-Grade 3 – 1.5 hour program: $285 for up to 30 students
  • Grade 4 -12 – 2 hour program: $355 for up to 30 students

Each year, we try and accommodate some schools with greater financial need; if this applies to you, and these costs are prohibitive, please inquire and email us (

Looking for additional financial support? Daytrippers Children’s Charity, is an organization that raises funds for field trips, to make field trip programming accessible to lower-income schools and groups. You can apply for funding directly through their platform at this link here.

Not finding what you are looking for? Check out our other programs!

Stanley Park Ecology Society first delivered ecology education to elementary students in 1988 and we have been providing fun and informative experiences for children and teachers ever since. Today we deliver diverse educational programming to over 5,000 students annually. In 2020-2021, COVID-19 pushed us to create new programs online and bring our programming out of Stanley Park and into green spaces near schools. These new approaches have become a regular part of our diverse educational offerings for schools.

If you enjoy our programs and want to share with others, please do so via Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter!