Online Programming during COVID-19
Coyote educational programs are now available virtually! This option allows community groups, work crews, and schools to easily book a 45-minute to 1-hour session, covering all of the topics offered by the in-person presentation. We are happy to adapt our programming methods with the safety of the community in mind.
Here are details for the online Coyotes 101 session:
► $80 fee per presentation for partner municipalities (Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, West Vancouver); $100 fee for non-partner municipalities
► Live presentation for interaction and a Q&A segment with the expert
► 45-minute time block – 30 minutes for the presentation; 15 minutes for Q&A
► Optional: Additional 15-minute, post-presentation activity – trivia quiz and crafting personal “coyote shakers” (students or school to provide materials of empty pop can and pennies/rocks)
► Recommended maximum of 60 students/participants to maintain educational and interactive quality
► Streaming platform can be arranged by us or the school, as desired. However, we request the help of one teacher/staff person to act as a moderator.
Coyote School Programs
Coyotes have become ever present in the urban environment we share. Our coyote-preparedness education program empowers students (K-7) with the knowledge they need to prevent people-coyote conflicts and how to react appropriately in coyote encounters. Please use our freely available PAC / teacher kit to help build coyote awareness in your school.
Coyotes 101
An interactive multimedia auditorium presentation for students (K-7) that teaches:
- Coyote identification, behaviour, and how coyotes came to our city
- How to identify and remove coyote attractants from school grounds and neighbourhood
- What to do if they encounter a coyote
Venue: Auditorium or Gymnasium
Time: 30 minutes with 5 minutes for questions
Size: 350 students (maximum)
Cost: $225
- Schools within non-partner municipalities (not Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond, and West Vancouver) are given an additional surcharge of $50 – totalling $275

If you are interested in booking Coyotes 101 at your school, or if you have any questions about the program or coyotes on school grounds, please e-mail or call us at (604) 257-6908 ext. 104.
Other Outreach Programming
Site Visits
We deploy site visits in response to reports of coyote activity of concern in particular areas. After a local assessment of potential sources of conflict such as food attractants and wildlife feeding, we can inform and equip residents with adaptive strategies through public outreach. These visits aim to educate and engage residents/community groups on measures they can take to address long-term coyote issues.
Crew Talks
Having trouble with coyotes at your workplace? Many outdoor industries expose employees to increased coyote encounters, such as golf courses, parks and industrial activities. We will visit your work site and deliver an interactive presentation and guided walk for staff to identify and mitigate coyote attractants and suggest ways for your staff to be coyote aware.
Community Program (“Communities & Coyotes”)
An interpretive walk or presentation designed to illustrate how and why coyotes use city green spaces and residential areas and how to respond appropriately when seeing a coyote. This is recommended for community groups that share the same localised coyote encounters, such as a community centre, neighbourhood watch, strata members, local clubs, etc.
Community Events
We attend community events, such as community days and festivals, with an interpretive display and activities to educate the public on coyote life history and how to co-exist successfully.
If you are interested in booking any of these programs, or if you have any questions, please e-mail or call us at (604) 257-6908 ext. 104.