SPES’s 2023 Heron Report is now available

Another Stanley Park heron breeding season has come to an end. SPES staff successfully monitored the Pacific Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias fannini) colony located at the Vancouver Park Board…

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Wetlands Working for us

SPES recently updated our Conservation Corner display at Stanley Park Brewing. This quarter, we are highlighting wetlands and the important role they play in our ecosystem.   Wetlands protect us from…

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A Wild Summer Mix

This summer, SPES collaborated with Stanley Park Brewing to plant cans of Pacific Northwest native wildflowers with community members at events across the city, including the Khatslano Street Party and…

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50/50 Raffle – Pot up to $20,000!

SPES is launching a 50/50 Cash Raffle Fundraiser today to support education, conservation, and research rooted in Stanley Park and you can help advance SPES’s vision of generations inspired by…

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