SPES has received $25,000 from TD Green Space for innovative urban greening with planting projects in pursuit of environmental equity. Up to 1,700 native species will be planted in and around Beaver Lake, Lost Lagoon, and Ceperley Meadow to jumpstart understory recovery in areas severely damaged by humans.
With more frequent heat waves, vulnerable populations need sufficient tree canopy and dedicated green space to curb the impact of the urban heat island effect and increase climate resiliency throughout their neighborhoods. Stanley Park is one of 22 sites in US and Canadian cities selected to receive a grant to tackle these issues.
“Green spaces play a critical role in helping to create more vibrant, livable cities, which can positively impact the health of community members. Focusing on and investing in projects that lead to more equitable access to trees is crucial.” said Janice Farrell Jones, Senior Vice President, Sustainability and Corporate Citizenship, TD Bank Group. “We are proud to continue our support of the Arbor Day Foundation through the TD Ready Commitment to promote innovative community projects that can lead to more equitable access to green spaces, such as the work being done by SPES.”
“As we continue to experience these increasingly frequent and prolonged periods of extreme heat, planting trees to provide shade and cooling has become a necessity for our most vulnerable communities,” said Dan Lambe, Chief Executive at the Arbor Day Foundation. “We are excited to help support SPES in their efforts to equip their neighborhoods with the right trees to lead to a more sustainable future.”
SPES is taking these challenges seriously. “This planting season is it is three times bigger than our average, making it our biggest ever.” said Tricia Collingham, Executive Director of SPES. Stewardship Coordinator Andy Ferguson adds “It’s also our most biodiverse, with plants from over 30 native species.” and as Tricia reminds us, “This critical work is not a single-day event, it is a monumental effort undertaken by over 800 volunteers including those from community groups such as the Canucks Autism Network, and PALS Adult Services Society, as well as a number of corporate supporters that join SPES in Stanley Park for over 14 events each month throughout the year.”