Buzz over to our online video below to check out how to make a fun craft with recycled materials you already have at home! Once it’s complete, you can place it outside for solitary native bees to use for egg laying. You will also learn what species of bees might use this type of “bee hotel” and how to properly maintain it to ensure bee breeding success every year!
You will need:
- An empty, clean tin can
- Scissors
- Tape
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Tubes – can be made out of a variety of materials including parchment paper, wood, or bamboo, but need to be 0.8 centimeters in diameter and 15 centimeters deep
- Natural materials to put on the outside of the can for decoration like twine or bark (optional)
- A dry, sheltered spot to hang or place your completed Bee B&B.
We want to see your Bee B&Bs when they are done! Tag us on Twitter @stanleyparkeco or Instagram @stanleyparkecology!
Resources for your Bee B&B: