Alien Invaders & The Ghost Train

Look out for alien invaders in Stanley Park this Hallowe’en! Ride the Ghost Train between Oct.13 and 31 to find out who, or what, has landed in the Park’s dark forest. SPES’ own Ghost Train exhibit tent will feature real life aliens among us: exotic plants and animals invading the natural areas of the Park. But don’t fret, you’ll also learn how we are protecting the ecology of the Park from these invasive species, and how to keep invasives out of your own garden. 

Some species you encounter in the Park may look alien, but are actually quite at home here!  Meet mosses that glow in the dark and giant slugs that ooze slime; there is even a blob – the famous slimy bryozoan that lives in Lost Lagoon.  Join us on the Ghost Train plaza this Hallowe’en to see some of these life forms up close!

Alien brain in Lost Lagoon? Nope. Just a bryozoan species discovered here this summer. (Photo: Michael Schmidt/SPES)

Stay tuned to find out when SPES members can ride the Ghost Train FREE! Watch for a notice in your inbox in early October.




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