Eaglets get a second chance

In July, two juvenile eagles in Stanley Park were rescued by the Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society (O.W.L.) after the young birds were unsuccessful in fledging from their separate nests. Rather than glide to a nearby tree on their first flight, they headed to the ground.

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A juvenile eagle sniffs freedom after a month of rehab. (Photo: Kari Pocock)

Experts caring for the eagle that “fell” from the Malkin Bowl nest discovered her wings infested with mites. Mites can degrade the bird’s feathers and compromise their flying ability. This may have accounted for her vertical descent.  Old nests like the Malkin Bowl nest typically have higher concentrations of mites. This eagle is still in O.W.L’s care and will soon be paired with an adult eagle foster parent who will teach the eaglet to find food.

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The young eagle takes flight at Brockton Oval in Stanley Park. (Photo: Kari Pocock)

The stronger of the two eagles was released on August 25th in Stanley Park at Brockton Oval where she was first found. The 5 month old female was cautious taking off at first, but successfully took flight and landed in a nearby tree. SPES staff will be monitoring the site of release over the next while to watch her success, but the rest is up to her!

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Good luck! (Photo: Kari Pocock)

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