Bird collisions with windows are a leading cause of bird mortality, killing up to an estimated 42 million birds/year in Canada. Collisions often occur when windows reflect habitat or birds presume they can fly directly through the glass to habitat that is visible through the window.
In SPES’ vested interest in supporting migratory birds, we share a call out for Bird Studies Canada which is seeking volunteers to monitor bird collisions with windows at their own residential homes in the Lower Mainland, or at commercial buildings in downtown Vancouver. Residential surveys involve searching for stunned/ injured birds or carcasses around your home. Monitoring commercial buildings involves looking for stunned/injured birds and carcasses at various buildings in downtown Vancouver.

The time commitment for participants can be minimal (surveying once a week) to more involved (surveying multiple times a week or daily). The data collected will help assess collision rates, identify vulnerable species and contribute to our understanding of the impacts of collisions in western Canada. The data will also help scientists and managers make informed decisions about potential mitigation measures to help reduce bird mortality due to window collisions.
If you are interested in joining this Citizen Science monitoring program or would like to learn more, please contact Karen Devitt at or visit