A Gift for Stanley Park…on Tuesday, Dec.1

December 1, 2015 is Giving Tuesday.

GivingTuesday is a global day of giving. After the sales of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, GivingTuesday is a time to celebrate and encourage activities that support charities and non profits. Whether it’s making a donation, volunteering time, helping a neighbour or spreading the word, GivingTuesday is a movement for everyone who wants to give something back.

Your support of SPES and our conservation and education initiatives in Stanley Park is welcome any time of year. Giving Tuesday is an opportunity, though, to encourage awareness and support of our programs in Stanley Park…with the added benefit of a year-end tax receipt.

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Your year end, tax deductible donation will support the Stanley Park Ecology Society in its efforts to maintain the Park’s ecological diversity and inspire children with fun and expert environmental education programs.

$25 …supports SPES’ volunteer-led monthly bird monitoring program, ensuring Stanley Park’s shores and forests continue to provide critical bird habitat

$25 …supports SPES’ volunteer-led monthly bird monitoring program, ensuring Stanley Park’s shores and forests continue to provide critical bird habitat.

$75 …offers a class of 25 inner-city children from Kindergarten to Grade 7 the chance to learn about nature in nature

$75 …offers a class of 25 inner-city children from Kindergarten to Grade 7 the chance to learn about nature in nature.

$160 …supports our volunteer-based seasonal amphibian surveys that are used to identify and protect amphibian habitat in the Park

$160 …supports our volunteer-based seasonal amphibian surveys that are used to identify and protect amphibian habitat in the Park.

$500… subsidizes the school program fee for one inner city class to participate in Nature Ninjas, an empowering, unforgettable overnight camping fieldtrip in Stanley Park

$500… subsidizes the school program fee for one inner city class to participate in Nature Ninjas, an empowering, unforgettable overnight camping fieldtrip in Stanley Park

…Or any amount.  All contributions make a difference and are deeply appreciated.

To donate:­

Call 604-718-6523 or click here to donate online. 

GivingTuesday - Quotes - Theodore Roosevelt

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