If you have been walking near Beaver Lake recently you might have seen Stanley Park Ecology Society staff and volunteers busy planting native plants and installing fencing alongside Beaver Creek. This work, sponsored by HSBC Freshwater Initiatives of Stanley Park, is one of many riparian restoration projects happening all along the creek. Planting the riparian area shades and cools the water as well as preventing erosion and sedimentation of the creek. All of which benefit the coho salmon, released by school children each spring, and the coastal cutthroat trout which both live in the creek. These planting sites also provide habitat and food for native birds and small mammals that live along the creek edge.
Look out for the fencing and restoration signs next time you’re passing by, and give us a friendly wave.
Interested in volunteering for one of our conservation projects like this? Contact us at vols@stanleyparkecology.ca or 604-681-7099.