Our popular ‘Ivy Busters’ Community Invasive Species program needs a name change, can you help us?
SPES’ ‘Ivy Busters’ program started out in 2004 with support from the Vancouver Park Board and a great bunch of community volunteers. Community members actively removed invasive plants from Stanley Park’s habitats for over eight years now, but over time the scope of the program has changed.
During our bi-monthly ‘community invasive species management’ events we no longer just pull invasive English ivy but also work hard to restore degraded habitats by removing many different invasive species, planting native species, decommissioning unsanctioned trails, and adding coarse woody debris, nest boxes and other enhancements to the Park.
Please help us find a new name for this popular program. We want the new name to reflect that the program:
- now has a broader scope than just busting ivy
- is a fun and easily accessible way for new volunteers of all ages to engage in the active stewardship of Stanley Park
- is helping to restore the ecological integrity of Stanley Park’s ecosystems.
Please send one or more of your ideas for fun, catchy names to stewardship [at] stanleyparkecology.ca. If your entry is chosen, you will receive a gift and a free membership to SPES.
You can read more about our ecological stewardship work here.