Inspired to act by nature and people around us

Our new annual report is out. If you wonder what kept us busy (or how your membership fee and donation was used) this past year, here are a few, dare we say, rather impressive accomplishments that we achieved with your help:

  • More than 1,200 community volunteers contributed 16,000 hours of service across 70 program areas (and thousands of cookies were consumed!)
  • SPES’ hardworking stewardship volunteers removed over 410 m3 invasive species from the Park and planted 1,000 native plants
  • 1,000 participants and 24 scientists participated in our first ever “Bioblitz”  – a 24-hour science relay that added 152 new species to Stanley Park’s species list
  • More than 800 coyote inquiries and reports were responded to by the Co-Existing with Coyotes Program team
  • Our environmental educators engaged 3824 local students with nature through our Park, Classroom and Urban Camping Programs
  • Our naturalists met and talked to 15,000 visitors at the Stanley Park Nature House by Lost Lagoon
  • We delivered 44 Discovery Walks and took more than 1,000 people on candle-lit interpretation walks during the Creatures of the Night event last October.
  • Our website got a face-lift (did you notice?)

Thank you for stepping up for nature and the people in Stanley Park; take a look at our annual report to see what we achieved together.

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