Stanley Park, and its coastal waters, are beginning to see the return of the overwintering birds. These birds have come to the Park to avoid the harsher northern and interior winters and will remain here until spring.
The intertidal and offshore areas surrounding Stanley Park, part of the English Bay-Burrard Inlet International Bird Area (IBA), is the main destination for most species. This includes the harlequin duck, surf scoter, Barrow’s goldeneye and bufflehead. Throughout the winter it is worth looking out for the huge flocks, up in the thousands, of surf scoters that can be seen off Second Beach.
Inside the Park, birds to look out for at Lost Lagoon and Beaver Lake include the northern shoveler, American wigeon, canvasback, gadwall and American Coot. Within the forest look for the varied thrush and fox sparrow.
Grab your binoculars and spotting scope and see what birds you can see using Stanley Park this winter. Enjoy!