SPES’ members help us do much important work in Stanley Park. Each year, thousands of children and adults learn about nature and environmental stewardship through our school and public programs; we monitor wildlife and restore habitat; we provide ecological advice for Park Management; and we operate the Stanley Park Nature House at Lost Lagoon, where more than 15,000 annual visitors learn about the ecology of the Park.
But as a member, you get more than the satisfaction of your empowering support: In recognition of your support of Stanley Park, Theater Under the Stars has once again offered SPES members complimentary tickets to the final dress rehearsals of Titanic (July 6) and Music Man (July 7) in Malkin Bowl. Call us at 604-718-6523 or email sponsors@stanleyparkecology.ca to sign up as a member and take advantage of this great perk.
For the general public, book early with Theatre Under the Stars for their musical shows running through August 18.