Coyotes Denning at Burnaby Playschool

In coordination with conservation officers, concerned residents, and school district staff, Stanley Park Ecology Society’s Co-Existing with Coyotes Coordinator visited a playschool portable in Burnaby on Wednesday, May 30. Bruce Causier, a local wildlife videographer, alerted coyote staff that coyote pups had been trapped underneath the portable on the evening of May 29. A concerned resident pried loose a board, allowing the pups to reunite with their mother. After searching thoroughly underneath the portable the following day, there was no evidence that the coyote pups were present and school district staff sealed the access point for good. It’s very likely that the mother coyote moved her pups to a new denning site in a less public place, following the stress the pups experienced the previous day. This is quite common behaviour when a den site has been disturbed. The Co-Existing with Coyotes Coordinator will visit the elementary school to deliver a coyotes awareness education program on Friday, June 1.

Please report any den sites or coyotes near school grounds to our hotline at 604-681-9453 or email Interested in having a coyote awareness program visit your school?

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